About Us
Rooney Grain is a family-owned and operated commercial grain storage facility. We opened the doors in the fall of 2018 and have been growing ever since. We offer full-service grain solutions to our producers including grain drying, grain storage, and grain marketing options, with a focus on providing competitive pricing and quality service to all growers both large and small.
Serving grain producers in the Wisconsin counties of Chippewa, Eau Claire, Dunn and surrounding, Rooney Grain has storage capacity of 2,000,000 million bushels of grain.
With proximity to the Mississippi River’s barge transport and a network of trucks, Rooney Grain has access to both local grain markets as well as export markets via the Gulf of Mexico.
Rooney Grain is a state-licensed grain dealer and warehouse keeper protected through annual audits by the State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. Rooney Grain is also a member of Wisconsin Agri-Business Association and Chippewa Falls Chamber of Commerce.
We are believers in giving back to our community and the kids growing up in it. We support local 4H groups in their fair animal auctions, we support the local FFA chapters through sponsorship of some of their various fundraisers throughout the year, and we are major donors to the local high school athletics association.
Our goal is to be the preferred grain company in our area, to operate our facilities in a safe, professional manner and to treat our customers with courtesy and respect while supporting our community.